Sex addiction is a behavioral addiction characterized by a compelling urge to participate in sexual behaviors despite the damage it causes to the individual and loved ones.
It could be an uncontrollable involvement in watching pornography, masturbating, or prostitution. The end goal of which is the disruption of one’s life.
Persons can lose their jobs by surfing the internet for pornography at work despite warnings not to do so. Some may waste their money on prostitutes to satisfy their uncontrollable urge for sex.
This should prove to anyone that an uncontrollable desire for sex is an addiction and has its effects.
So, if you find yourself or a loved one in this category, you should seek treatment with a counselor immediately before it eats you up.
Sex addiction therapy can be in different forms depending on the gravity of the addiction, the patient’s needs, and the doctor or therapist’s diagnosis. The goal is to help anyone suffering from sex addiction through several treatment options.
If you go for therapy, some of the treatment options you will be offered are:
Counseling for Couples / Marriage: If a patient is married or in a committed relationship, sex addiction can be detrimental.
Patients can get to the bottom of their sex addiction through therapy with a licensed therapist and their partner, especially if it has roots in feelings of inadequacy, boredom, or problems in their relationship.
Individual Therapy: Also known as traditional therapy, this option involves having a session with a certified mental health professional for 30-60 minutes.
A therapist with specialized training will focus on your sexually compulsive behaviors, no matter what they are, as well as any other co-occurring disorders.
Therapy Groups: Group therapy, which uses positive social interaction to assist patients, shows them that they are not alone in their addiction.
A therapist always guides the group, aiming to create an environment where patients feel safe and affirmed during their healing process.
Counseling helps you shift your focus away from the negative aspects of your life. You will see how your life can be better, what you should focus on, and how to stay on track.